From the moment I laid down and relaxed my breathing, I went into a meditative state. I could see blue light all around me which was pulsing and it covered my whole body. Then a bright white gold light started at the top of my crown and filled my whole body from head to toe. My pineal gland started pulsing, I then went into an even deeper sleep. When I woke I felt energised and elated, I almost cried. My whole body was buzzing. Then all day yesterday I was experiencing euphoric body rushes and vibrations. My quartz crystal which I always wear, felt hot to touch and felt like it was vibrating too. Since I’ve been in contact with you my life has taken such a turn for the better. I have no urges to drink or use coke at all. I just feel like I’m living on a totally different vibrational realm altogether. Gone are the negative feelings and dark days. Just total positivity and love for everything around me.
Shaun Brown. UK.
I just wanted to thankyou for whatever you did the other day. I’ve had what has been so far the most productive week in about a decade. I’ve felt more alive, clear minded and focused on my goals. Thankyou so much !
Mark Stewart. UK.
When a loved one needs help, you can trust Paula. Her healing comes from a loving vibration and you will feel it to.
Thank you!Luis Orlando Alarcon Salas. Chile.
I had a beautiful healing session with Paula. Since then I am feeling in an easy flow with life (making decisions and my thinking patterns). Also, I feel that a lot of clearance took place during our session and the days after. I highly recommend Paula. Thank you! x
Patrika Doktorova. UK.
Dear Paula. . .Thank you so much for the exceptional healing you recently gave me. I contacted you late on a Friday to ask for healing after I had a very bad fall. You immediately came back to me and arranged straight away that evening to help me !! I was so grateful to you. I’m very happy to know that you removed something from me which was literally pulling me down. All my questions were answered and made complete sense. Dear Paula everyone of us has a different healing, some multidimensional, as mine was and you came through for me. I know it took extra time and you cleared my energy and reset me. I can feel the results. I will be back for a follow up and thank you from my heart.
Michele Pyne. UK.
Thanks Paula for the healing session. I experienced a deep relaxation during the session and received clarity on many topics I was in conflict with. After the session was completed I felt expanded with immense joy and love in my heart, my intuition increased and I feel more excited about my path in life. Thanks again for your genuine care and attention to detail.Lots of love.
Nada Harb. UAE.
I would like to thank Paula for the healing session. It was so relaxing and very awakening for me. I had activation’s with the Lyran and other light being energy throughout the session. It was very memorable and an unforgettable experience, which will stay with me always. I highly recommend Paula. I have felt the energy within me all the time since the healing and I feel it’s made me complete.
Rachel Moore. UK.
I feel amazing. I have an overwhelming energy rushing through me, feeling strong and grounded. My emotions feel light and lifted, my anxiety has gone and I am peaceful and mindful.
Hannah Thomas. UK.
Many thanks Paula for linking in and sending me healing. I had my doubts as I am a healer myself and always worry that others can access me. I was pleasantly surprised as I lay quietly. I felt a strong presence of waves of movement through my body like an energy force. I felt trust, humbled and comforted by the whole experience. The energy moved around my body and was weak and strong in places. . . predominantly around my nose and teeth of all places, then my ears. I also felt a strong presence in my stomach and there was a significant pop and feeling waves in this area. I loved the whole experience and am very thankful for it. Thing I loved the most is the actions not the words as I have felt a lot of people can work in and create fear. There was none of this. . . highly recommended. . . thank you so much. X
Sarah May. UK.
I recently received a remote healing from Paula and wanted to share my experience. Paula contacted me before the healing where we discussed the various issues I wanted her to look at. I found her to be warm, encouraging and she approached my healing with a loving enthusiasm. During the healing itself I felt tingling energy sensations in and around my body, tangible fluttering around my upper heart and lower throat area. I felt safe and secure at all times and found Paula to be sincere, warm and loving. After the healing Paula gave me her feedback which was beautiful, informative and very helpful. Since the healing took place, I have felt a genuine lift in my vibration and feel that a shift has definitely taken place. I would have no hesitation in recommending Paula, she is obviously a very powerful healer.
Jen Dodson. UK.
I would recommend a healing session with Paula. After having a healing session, I felt more awake, my fibromyalgia was less painful and my confidence was better as well.
A.Hill. UK.
Paula is amazing. I received two healings from Paula which removed blockages that helped me release some deep seated anger, I’m very grateful. During the healing I also felt the shifting of energy around the area of my scar on my shin that I received in a skiing accident and it is now barely visible. High Vibe Healing is powerful and works incredibly fast, thank you Paula.
James Cooper. UK.
I unfortunately had an accident which resulted in me fracturing my fibula in several places. I then had to undergo 3 surgeries which were not successful, this led to a serious infection. Then a 4th operation which involved a skin graft onto my lower left leg and foot. I was told my recovery was going to take at least 18 months and that I would have to attend regular physiotherapy sessions. The pain has been unbearable, I was prescribed medication, including Morphine for when it was at its worst. I was offered a healing session from Paula, she explained to me that it would benefit me emotionally and physically, she also said it was fast and effective. I have received several healings from Paula, as and when I felt I needed them really. They instantly made me feel very relaxed and my foot felt very loose and warm, enabling me to apply more pressure to the ground during physio. I can honestly say that after my healings I did not feel the need to take my pain relief medication. Having High Vibe Healing has made me feel more positive about my future and the amount of work I will need to put into being able to walk comfortably again, without using crutches. Thank you Paula.
Mandy. UK.
My sister’s cat has had a problem with vomiting all her life. Her cat was adopted from a rescue centre and the vets never found the cause of her regular vomiting. Paula did one remote healing session. It took about 2 weeks for the healing to take full effect and now the cat no longer vomits up her food. Paula said the cat’s stomach was twisted and that she “untwisted it”. Now our cat, that has lived her entire life vomiting with every meal, I’m happy to say, no longer has this problem.
Talli Ward. Canada.
Paula noticed me hobbling at a trade/well being event. I had woken up two days previously unable to put any weight on my heel. I was sceptical, but after just 20 minutes of healing from Paula, amazingly I could put my full weight on it. The next day the pain was gone. Whilst she was working on my foot I could feel a slight pulling sensation. I feel she has healing powers beyond which I have ever experienced before. Many thanks.
Lou Muv Mills-Watts. UK.
For me the healing felt very intense. I have never had a healing session with so many pictures and insights. Even now it is still working (3 days later). It actually felt like an Ayahuasca ceremony. Also my voice got stronger after the healing session. I surprised myself by how loud I was suddenly speaking.
Nadja Mock. Germany.
I have recently had a remote healing session with Paula. I would 100% recommend this powerful healing if you need support to clear negative energy, habits and thought patterns. Paula explained what was going to happen beforehand and afterwards gave a detailed explanation of the work she carried out during the healing session. A lot of energy was cleared during the session and I feel much more balanced and energised. This was just what I needed Thank you Paula!
Lindsey Train. UK.
I enjoyed the process of the healing session, being understood and listened to was the big step, but after learning and digging deeper into my inner self, I feel more at peace and comfortable. This was my first ever experience with healing and I must say I feel lighter mentally and physically, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I have this sudden vibrational feeling and aura around me. I recommend Paula to anyone who feels like they need healing, as she’s open to speak to anyone with her welcoming vibe, she is very informative and truthful of her findings. I appreciate the healing, Thank you.
Miguelle. UK.
Thankyou Paula for the healing. I felt my eyes flicker and I felt calmer in my body. My thoughts weren’t rushing around anymore and causing me stress, so much more organised. I really really appreciate your healing session, I’m so incredibly grateful thank you so so much.
Bee Webster. UK.