I have been sensitive and aware of spirit energy all of my life. Since childhood I have sensed my connection to the spiritual realm. Experiencing interactions with divine beings has opened my heart to our multidimensional existence and has helped me to gain a greater understanding of my own inner healing journey. 

Spending my childhood playing outdoors in the open countryside close to my home has given me love and respect for all wildlife and nature. Being able to roam free as a child in this environment nurtured my energetic connection to source, God’s Divine Love frequency.

I eventually created my dream of living on the coast and moved to the southwest, upon doing this my senses were opened up to a whole new level.   

Regular meditation has increased my self awareness and affinity to Divine Love. It has been an integral part of my life. Allowing me to free my overthinking mind, keeping me centred, motivated and appreciative. Returning me back to my true self. 

My practical healing work began as a qualified holistic therapist. Practising Indian Head massage, Aromatherapy massage and Reflexology. I am also a certified Usui Reiki Master. I eventually felt I needed a more powerful free form of healing. Something to elevate myself, my life and my healing work. I was guided to Star Magic Healing and in March 2017 I completed Facilitator training Level 1. The training transformed me completely. It cleared my path and moved me forwards in my spiritual growth and my personal life. I was elevated and fast tracked into a deeper world of knowing. I now had access to a faster and highly effective form of healing. I went on to complete the Star Magic Healing Advanced Level 2 training in July 2017. I am an Accredited Star Magic Healing Facilitator.

On the morning of the Summer Solstice 2018, I woke to find that I was experiencing something completely different to anything ever before in my life. My body felt light and weightless. I had no thoughts, no mind chatter and I was free from distractions completely. My mind, body and spirit were in harmony and at peace, absolute bliss, a higher aspect of myself had come into my energy body, I had experienced a walk in.

Later that evening during my meditation I had a full Kundalini activation. In an instant, what felt like an intense bolt of energy raced up through my body, straight up through my spine, it felt like I was connected to all. The high frequency energy of this kundalini activation lasted for me a full 3 days and 3 nights. Complete immersion. I was living and breathing God’s Divine Love.

I continue on my spiritual journey. With mindful living and regular meditation. Knowing all moments are precious and every interaction is a gift. Knowing that every person and animal is a conscious sentient being, with a higher purpose.