Keep on loving.
Illness in all its forms is a message to an individual person and the collective as a whole....its a message that there is an imbalance within the body or within society. We are connected energetically.
I feel as humans we’re not meant to fall ill, it is not our natural state of being.....Our natural state is pure wellness and good health.
There are many people out there that knew this time was going to happen...knew that a huge change was about to take place…knew that they were going to be pushed, challenged even further on their life journey.
Then there are others just waking up and questioning themselves, questioning their lives and beginning to see the truth...the real truth.
Some have chosen not to wake up at all in this life time, during this particular earth rising....these people are also a part of our journey. They are not separate from us.
It is not just the energy workers that have been focusing on supporting this shift in human consciousness....many celestial beings have been continually supporting and working along side us….seen and unseen.
Earth has never been separated from other planets, star constellations or other beings...we have always been one. Earth is precious to all.
Yes...we are being supported…but as individuals we must now step up and carry this forwards...our inner knowing...our learning and our love.
Holding our focus and also holding space for one another with kindness and compassion.
With love